Our Top Safe Sex Tips
Figures from the Health Protection Surveillance Unit of the HSE show that rates of chlamydia, herpes simplex and gonorrhoea are on the rise. For example, people in the age group 15-24 accounted for 51% of all chlamydia cases reported.
The statistics show that many young people are not as careful as they should be when it comes to safe sex and we want people to know they can talk to a CarePlus Pharmacist, in privacy and confidentiality, about anything in relation to their sexual health.
Our Top Safe Sex Tips:
- BYOC – Bring Your Own Condom. Do not rely on the other person to have one and be sure to check the expiration dates before use. Condoms offer the best available protection when used correctly.
- Ask your partner – find out if they have ever had an STI and if they have been tested recently. It is better to have an open conversation about it before any risk of transmission can take place.
- Get tested regularly and treated instantly if necessary.
- Drinking and drug use lowers your ability to make safe decisions regarding your sexual health and activity.
- Use water-based lubricant, as any other forms of oil-based lubricant will dissolve the condom.
- To prevent a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), it is important to urinate after sex – especially for women – to get rid of any bacteria that may have accumulated.
- It is advised to use additional forms of contraception as well as a condom to avoid unplanned pregnancy (the oral contraceptive pill, contraceptive patch, an IUD, implant, hormonal injection among others)